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Committee 2024-2025
President Mr Dave Baguley
President Elect Mr Lee Turnbull
Chairman of Management Board (B) Mr Richard Roberts
General Secretary (B) Mrs Kaily Butlin
Treasurer (B) Mr William Oates
Membership Secretary (B) Mr David Fortescue
Swimming Secretary Vacant
Coaching & Development Secretary (B) Mr Joseph Stanford
Officials Development Secretary Mr David Fortescue
Water Polo Secretary Mr Ben Milton
Swimming Low Level Competition Secretary Mrs Estelle Sladen
Swimming Masters Secretary Sue Arrowsmith
Welfare Mrs Tifany Granville
Volunteer Co-ordinator (B) Mrs Emma Hickman
Communications Officer Vacant
East Midlands Region Representatives Richard Roberts
Club representative to Management Board (B) Mrs Tracey Milward
Mr Glen Smith
Medical Adviser Vacant
Legal Adviser Vacant
Financial Examiner of Accounts Vacant
Disability Advisor Mr Glen Smith

(B) = Board Member Position

Low Level Swimming Committee 2024-2025
Estelle Sladen (Secretary)
Vacant (Stage 1 Manager)
Alex McLauchlan (Stage 2 Manager)
Bernie Walker (Stage 3 Manager)
David Fortescue (Licensing and Tech)
Jill Palmer (Arnold)
Erika Willis (Bircotes)
Kath Needham (CABSC)
Maureen Shaw (Mansfield)
Adam McIntyre (Newark)
Ian Negus (Sherwood)
Matthew McKeaney (Sutton)
Paul Collins (Sutton)
Richard Roberts (Notts ASA Chairperson)
Kaily Butlin (Notts ASA Secretary)
William Oates (Notts ASA Treasurer)