It’s time again to volunteer your services for the Notts team for the national inter-county masters’ event. This year it is on Sunday 15th November at Rugby (The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Centre, Rugby CV22 5LJ). Warm up is at 2pm, with the probable start time being 2.45pm. PLEASE volunteer if possible as we have a very strong team aiming for a top five finish in the event (this is quite ambitious as our previous best is 22nd); however, we can only achieve this if all our good swimmers turn out.
Please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE via Facebook or email if you are available. I won’t finalise the team until after the nationals so that people can send in updated times after nationals, but it will be help me greatly if you can let me know availability as soon as possible.
If you have swum in the team recently you don’t need to send me any other information unless you want to give me updated 50 metre times (times since May 2015). If you have not swum before can you please let me have your DOB as well as times for 50m of the strokes you are willing to swim?
I will let everyone know whether or not they are selected at the start of the week of 26th October (i.e. straight after nationals).
Some info for those who have not done the event before: This is an event in which a Notts teams swims against other Midlands counties and the results are put together with other counties across England as a “virtual” gala. All individual events and relays are 50m only. We need people to swim 50s in all strokes in age groups 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 55+ and 65+, and there are LOTS of relays to swim.