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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Level X Racing

Swim England have now released the information regarding the return to competitions and the introduction of the new Level X racing series.

he First part of the Level X Series will be run from Friday 23rd January through to Thursday 31st December 2020. Leadership boards will be placed on the National Rankings website showing swimmers where they currently stand nationally within their age groups.

The Second part of the Level X series will then be run from January 4th to March 9th 2021, with more events being included.

Nottinghamshire ASA Swimming Committee and League Management Committee will also be looking into things such as a County Leadership board a bit like our counties. If and when we have more information on this we will get this circulated around the clubs.

There are lots of documents and information online to help clubs out to get going with Level X which can be found here.

Our main county organisers, who have been involved in meetings with Swim England regarding the new Level X racing, may be able to help with any local issues regarding the level x structure. You can contact them on

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