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Monday, January 30, 2023

World Aquatics (FINA) Update 2023

For all qualified officials, there will be a rules update course coming soon for the rule changes taking place accross out sport. The new rules are due to take effect from 10th March 2023, please ensure that all competitions run up to the 10th March are run under the current rules and not anything that comes out of this update.

All qualified officials that are registered in Nottinghamshire (taken from the OMS database at the end of December), will have just recieved an email informing them that there will be a course coming soon for them to attend. The email will be from (please check spam folders). If you have recently quailified or have not recieved the email, please contact us on the email address to ensure you are added to the circulation list.

Details of venues and times of the course will be published as soon as we have secured some venues and have had all of the relevant information cascaded down to us.

This article was posted in Masters, News, NOVA, Open Water, Swimming, Water Polo. Bookmark this Article.