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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sport England School Games Review

Sport England has announced the findings and recommendations of its review of the School Games, which was completed with support from the Youth Sport Trust and other partners. This review considers the future of the School Games, which was created in 2010 to boost competitive sport in schools and is delivered by the Youth Sport Trust.

At levels one to three (competition in and between schools), the review found that the School Games is operating well, with 86% (21,190) of Schools in England taking part. Recommendations are made for the following areas to move the programme forward:

  • the vision and ethos of the Games;
  • how even more children can be engaged;
  • better exit routes to community sport;
  • improved guidance and support; and
  • accountability of School Games Organisers.

At level four, the national finals for the most talented young athletes, more significant change is suggested to reduce costs and ensure a clearer link to athlete development and competition frameworks.

Sport England, the Youth Sport Trust and other partners will be working together with School Games Organisers and their hosts to implement these recommendations and further consultation will follow.

Read the full executive summary

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