The position of head coach at Nottingham Leander SC has become available recently.
If you have an in-depth knowledge of competitive swimming but have a passion for all levels of swimming, are a great communicator, motivator and organiser who can deliver engaging sets to swimmers of diverse abilities across a wide age range – we want to hear from you.
Nottingham Leander SCĀ are looking for a Director of Swimming to lead, mentor and support our dedicated team of coaches and help them deliver high-quality training opportunities across all our sessions.
They will also liaise with the Senior, Masters, Junior and Development Coaches to select teams and ensure our swimmers are well prepared for the various competitions they enter.
We anticipate that the post holder will coach 4 sessions per week, visit all club sessions on a regular basis and be poolside at the competitions the Club enters.
This is a part-time post and attracts a competitive rate of pay commensurate with the selected candidates’ experience and qualifications.
For more details please contact our Secretary, Sue Davis
or Tel: 0115 9291689
Closing date is 18th November 2018