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Monday, October 17, 2022

New officials training and uniform guidance

Following a review at a recent meeting of Swim England’s Swimming Leadership Group there has been an update to the training processes and uniform requirements for technical officials.

Technical officials have an important role to play in ensuring a fair and level playing field for all athletes’ in the sport from club level right through to international competition.

England, Scotland and Wales have been working towards common standards in the education and training of all swimming officials. All three Home Countries use FINA Technical Rules meaning trained officials are listed as British Swimming Officials.

The updates in training come at the opening level, Judge 1, where it has been decided that the requirement to officiate for a minimum of three hours at a Level 1 or 2 meet is no longer mandatory.

Trainee officials are still encouraged to carry out their training at this level to increase their experience if they wish.

What uniform is required for technical officials?

After considering recent queries regarding the specification for swimming officials’ uniform, the decision has been made to specify the uniform required at each level.

  • At both unlicensed and Level 4 meets, there is no requirement for officials to conform with a dress code, unless specified by the organiser, but all clothing and footwear must be safe in a poolside environment.
  • For Level 3 meets, the dress code should reflect the need to present a professional image in support of the athletes however, there can still be a degree of flexibility in what is worn.
  • At Level 1, Level 2 and national events a uniform dress code should be in place. An event organiser can specify this dress code but for any deviation from the norm, either the items should be provided by the organiser or volunteers should be given sufficient notice to be able to meet the requirements if it involves the purchase of additional items.
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