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Friday, September 5, 2014

County Championships Announcement

Due to a lot of rumours and speculation the Swimming Committee would like to make a short statement regarding the County Championships 2015.

As many of you will be aware British Swimming and the ASA have put forward a full Competition review for swimming across the whole of the country. This will affect all major stages of competition from the National events all the way down to the County championships for each county in the UK.

The final decision to this review is still to be made and will come into force in 2016. However, with some of the changes that have been proposed, Nottinghamshire ASA feel that if these come into force that it will be a huge step to take and will impact a lot of swimmers if we were to suddenly have to make these changes in one year.

After many discussions we have decided to implement some of the changes in anticipation of the review results. Please find below a list of the changes that have been agreed upon by the committee.

2015 County Championships:

The County Championships will be combined again, Age Groups and Youths/Seniors back together.

The “Age at Date” has been moved and fixed to 31st December in the year of competition (31st December 2015).

Removal of the 9 year old age group and changing the 10 year age group to be 10 and under. 9 year old swimmers will still be able to compete as long as they meet the minimum qualifying times for the 10 and under category.

Dates for 2015:

Saturday 14th February

Sunday 15th February

Saturday 28th February

Sunday 1st March

Saturday 14th March

Sunday 15th March

Full details such as venues, schedule of events and qualifying times will be announced shortly.

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