A reminder that the closing date for the post below closes this Saturday (14th)!!
Nottingham Leander is a large club with over 400 members ranging from “Tadpoles” (learn to swim classes) through to Masters and Water Polo. We are one of Nottingham’s premier swimming clubs and compete in local, regional and national competitions.
The club Committee wishes to recruit a suitably qualified/experienced coach who will maximise the club’s performance and potential within the sport in accordance with IOS rules.
Working hours will be variable but equate to approximately 12 hours a week. This will include significant evening activity and some weekends when attending competitions.
A Level 2 teacher/coach qualification is desirable but the most important qualities we seek are relevant experience and a high level of enthusiasm and commitment, both to the club and the sport of swimming.
A job description and further details can be obtained from Sue Davis, 19 Glencairn Drive, Aspley, Nottingham NG8 3EN or by e mail to: suedavis@ntlworld.com. Those who are interested are also advised to look at the club’s website new.leandersc.com for information on club activities.
If you would like to apply please send, to the above address; a CV covering all experience to date, a statement (no more than 200 words) outlining your vision for the future direction and development of this community swimming club, and an indication of the salary sought.
The closing date for applications is 14th September. Selection of shortlisted candidates will take place in the week commencing 30th September.